Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Hangover Won't Make You Sick...

....but your stomach might hurt from laughing so hard.

This is one of those movies that it is hard to review. Because the last thing you want to do is give away any of the story.

Basically, the story line is that four guys go to Vegas for a bachelor party and get blitzed out of their minds. Hilarity ensues. It's not giving anything away to most people to set the very basic scene, because other reviewers have already let some things emerge and because the trailers and ads give some stuff away.

Four friends (actually, three friends and the future bro-in-law) hit Vegas. They make a pledge to hit the town and get crazy. The next morning they wake up with the dentist missing a tooth, one guy wearing a hospital bracelet, a baby in the closet and a tiger in the bathroom. Oh, and missing one groom.

The rest of the movie involves them figuring out what the hell happened. It is not politically correct. It is not tasteful. It is not safe for children.

It is funny as all hell.

Oh, and stay and watch the credits. They are accompanied by some of the best laughs in the film.

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